Black Myth WUKONG

Why can Sun Wukong become a super hero in the hearts of Chinese people?


  In China, both children and adults are particularly fond of Sun Wukong! Even if you conduct a street interview and ask who is the super hero in your heart, the vast majority of Chinese people will answer you that it is the Great Sage Equaling Heaven (Sun Wukong).

Why is it Sun Wukong?

  Because Sun Wukong is lively and lovely. He is intelligent and brave. He is courageous and responsible. He is extremely powerful. He hates evil like an enemy. He is loyal... He is the eternal hero in people's hearts!
Sun Wukong's personal charm influences more than a billion Chinese people and overseas Chinese around the world.

Sun Wukong is extremely powerful and dares to resist!

  Sun Wukong was born with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon. With his own intelligence and bravery, he became the beautiful monkey king of Huaguo Mountain. After learning from a master, he acquired many skills. He can travel 108,000 li in a somersault and has seventy-two wonderful transformations. He can do anything in heaven and on earth. From heaven to the underworld, he is not afraid of powerful forces and is invincible!

  Sun Wukong is fearless. After returning from learning skills, he first made a big fuss in the Dragon Palace and obtained the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. Then he made a big fuss in the Underworld and crossed out the Book of Life and Death. Later, he was recruited by the heaven and was appointed as the Protector of Horses. After learning that his position was low and humble, he was furious and broke out of the Southern Heavenly Gate and returned to Huaguo Mountain. And he defeated the heavenly court's suppression and forced the Jade Emperor to confer on him the title of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Later, because he was drunk and disrupted the Peach Banquet of the Queen Mother, he then made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace and made the heavenly court in chaos. After returning to Huaguo Mountain, he defeated the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals who came to suppress him. These experiences of Sun Wukong are full of the unyielding spirit of striving hard, daring to fight, and not fearing the powerful.

Sun Wukong is witty and brave and courageous and responsible!

  On the way to escort Tang Monk to fetch scriptures in the Western Heaven, no matter how the demons change in countless ways and how cunning they are, they can all be seen through by Lao Sun.

  No matter what background the demons have, he will try every means to eliminate future troubles. For example, the Golden-nosed White-haired Mouse Spirit in the bottomless cave of Xianshan Mountain transformed into a woman and captured Tang Monk and forced him to marry. Sun Wukong learned that the Golden-nosed White-haired Mouse Spirit was the goddaughter of Li Jing. He went to the heavenly court to file a complaint. Li Jing and Nezha escorted the mouse spirit back to the heavenly court for punishment.

Sun Wukong is full of justice and hates evil like an enemy!

  Sun Wukong hates evil like an enemy. He will definitely act when he sees injustice. On the journey to fetch scriptures, as long as Sun Wukong encounters demons endangering the world, he will take the initiative to eliminate them.

  For example, when he saw that the king of the kingdom of Biqiu was deceived by the national uncle transformed by the white deer, the mount of the God of Longevity, and wanted to use the hearts and livers of 1,110 children as medicine primers. Sun Wukong then took action to rescue the babies and repel the demons.

  When seeing ordinary people suffering disasters, Sun Wukong will try every means to rescue people from dire straits. He doesn't even care if he offends the Jade Emperor or even the Tathagata Buddha.

Sun Wukong is loyal and has a strong sense of responsibility!

  Sun Wukong is loyal and tries his best to escort Tang Monk to fetch scriptures in the Western Heaven. He is willing to endure Tang Monk's repeated scoldings and the pain of being chanted incantations by Tang Monk. After going through many hardships, "through springs, summers, autumns and winters, through joys and sorrows", finally "treading over obstacles and becoming a great path", he successfully obtained the true scriptures and achieved enlightenment. All these hardships and tribulations show Sun Wukong's loyalty and sincerity.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, who can do anything in heaven and on earth. His unyielding and ungiving character, his wit and bravery, his courage and responsibility; his great power, his hatred of evil like an enemy, his loyalty and sense of responsibility... All these highlights shine with the most beautiful brilliance of human nature.

"The golden monkey brandishes his mighty cudgel and clears the universe of dust." "Dare to ask where the road is? The road is under your feet."...

Why do Chinese people like Sun Wukong so much? Because he is the incarnation of wit, bravery and justice. Because he is the eternal great hero in the hearts of Chinese people!

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