What are the Taoist Eight Great Divine Incantations?

What are the Taoist Eight Great Divine Incantations?

The Eight Great Divine Incantations are a set of important and mysterious chants in Taoism, used for various sacred purposes such as blessings, warding off evil, and protection. These incantations are rooted in Taoist culture and carry profound religious meanings and mystical energy. The specific content and form of the Eight Great Divine Incantations may vary among different Taoist sects and traditions. Typically, these divine chants are recited during specific ceremonies or spiritual practices to channel the forces of nature, seek the blessings of deities, and elevate one's spiritual consciousness.

Taoist Eight Great Divine Incantations



Purifying Heart Incantation

The Supreme Celestial Star adapts without pause.Expel evil, bind enchantments; protect life and guard the body.Wisdom shines pure; the mind and spirit find tranquility.The three souls endure forever; the corporeal essence remains.Urgent, like a commandment.



Purifying Speech Incantation

The vermilion-mouth deity expels impurities and dispels turbidity.The tongue deity aligns with virtue, communicates commands, and nourishes the spirit.The myriad teeth deity repels evil, guarding the truth.The throat deity exhibits tiger-like strength, guiding the vital energy.The heart deity resides in the elixir field, allowing me to connect with the truth.The thoughtful spirit refines elixirs, cultivating the eternal Dao.Urgent, like a commandment.



Purifying Body Incantation

Spirit Treasure Celestial Lord comforts the physical form.Disciples' souls and spirits; the mysteries of the five organs.Azure Dragon and White Tiger, with diverse entourages; Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise, guarding my true self. Urgent, like a commandment.



Ancestral Earth Deity Incantation

From the beginning, pacify and notify all spirits.Mountain and river are the true officials; the land deity is the ultimate spirit.Left is the altar to the god of earth, right is the altar to the god of grains; avoid causing unnecessary disturbances.Turn towards the righteous path, purify both internally and externally.Each aligns with their respective positions, guarding the altar (home) and courtyard.With heavenly command, search and capture malevolent spirits.Protect the Dharma's divine kings, safeguard the chanting of scriptures.Devote oneself to the great Dao, ensuring universal prosperity and lasting truth.



Purifying Heaven and Earth Incantation

Heaven and earth follow their natural course, dispersing impure energies.Within the mysterious cavern, the profound emptiness shines brightly with the great origin.Eight directions radiate formidable spirits, enabling me to be in harmony with nature.Divine treasures convey commands, universally proclaiming to the nine heavens; the Qianlu responds, revealing profound insights.Slaying demons, binding evil, saving countless beings.The sacred incantation of Mount Zhong, the primordial jade script. Reciting it once, ailments are alleviated, and life is prolonged. Traveling the Five Sacred Mountains, understanding the sounds of the Eight Oceans.Binding the demon king's head, guarding my abode.Eliminating malevolence, maintaining the constant presence of the Dao.Urgent, like a commandment.



Golden Light Divine Incantation

The profound source of all energies in heaven and earth.Cultivating for countless eons, realizing my divine abilities. In and beyond the three realms, only the Dao is revered.Radiating golden light from within, enveloping my body.Unseen by sight, unheard by hearing.Embracing heaven and earth, nurturing all living beings.Reciting it ten thousand times, the body emanates radiance.Guarded in the three realms, welcomed by the Five Emperors.Revered by myriad deities, commanding thunder to terrify demons and ghosts, rendering evil spirits powerless.Thunder resounds within, concealing the name of the Thunder God.Profound wisdom pervades, and the five energies soar.Golden light swiftly appears, protecting the daoist immortal.Urgent, like a commandment.



Incantation for Offering Incense

The Dao is learned through the heart, transmitting sincerity through the fragrance of incense. With the fragrance resembling swallows returning to a jade censer, the heart remains in the presence of the deity. Eagerly anticipating the descent of true spirits, celestial banners flutter at the pavilion. The appointed messenger conveys the message, directly reaching the Nine Heavens.




Mystic Secrets Incantation
Cloud seals the Great Void, at the dawn of vast ages. Sometimes distant, sometimes near, drifting or soaring. Roaming in the five directions, within a distance of one zhang. The Heavenly True Emperor, brushes the pen to inscribe. Unfolding profound chapters, then inscribing spiritual symbols. From the origin's descent, the true script is born. Clearly evident in its existence, yet obscure in its absence.
Deep-rooted ailments can self-heal, worldly burdens can be lifted. In the depths of obscurity, reliance shall be found. Hence, the ascension to the immortal realm.
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