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Longhu Mountain Store

The God of TAISUI Divine Marshal Yin Jiao Protection Token

The God of TAISUI Divine Marshal Yin Jiao Protection Token

Regular price $67.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $67.00 USD
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The protective token possesses the following effects:

  Protection and Peace: This token can provide protection and peace to the wearer, dispelling evil and ominous energies, safeguarding them from disasters or unexpected harm.

  Warding Off Evil and Calamity: It is imbued with the power to ward off evil spirits and adverse influences, keeping individuals away from misfortunes and dangers.

  Blessings and Fortune: Wearing the token aids in seeking blessings and blessings from divine spirits, enhancing one's luck and fortune, facilitating smooth career advancement, and increasing wealth and blessings!

Permanently Eliminate the Negative Effects of the TAISUI:

Wearing this token provides extremely strong protective effects, capable of permanently eliminating the adverse effects of the TAISUI on individuals!

Authentic Taoist Items Guarantee

Most of our items are all personally crafted by Taoist masters from the Celestial Masters' Mansion Longhu Mountain, all the items have been consecrated. Please feel assured to purchase and use them!


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