Taoist Philosophy

The Heluo Writing and Yin-Yang and the Eight Trigrams

The Heluo Writing and Yin-Yang and the Eight Tr...

The peculiarity of the River Chart lies in that it uses simple elements such as black and white, numbers, and patterns to explain the universe. The celestial phenomena in the...

The Heluo Writing and Yin-Yang and the Eight Tr...

The peculiarity of the River Chart lies in that it uses simple elements such as black and white, numbers, and patterns to explain the universe. The celestial phenomena in the...

The Feng Shui Implications of the Primal Eight Trigrams and the Posterior Eight Trigrams

The Feng Shui Implications of the Primal Eight ...

Therefore, the Changes are counted in the reverse sequence." This is the theoretical basis for the orientation of the Primal Eight Trigrams and is about the matching of the trigrams...

The Feng Shui Implications of the Primal Eight ...

Therefore, the Changes are counted in the reverse sequence." This is the theoretical basis for the orientation of the Primal Eight Trigrams and is about the matching of the trigrams...

What are the ways of heaven, earth, human and ghosts respectively?

What are the ways of heaven, earth, human and g...

The Earth was already worshipped by people in ancient times. "The Book of Rites - Sacrifices in the Suburbs" states: "The Earth carries all things. Heaven shows its signs. We...

What are the ways of heaven, earth, human and g...

The Earth was already worshipped by people in ancient times. "The Book of Rites - Sacrifices in the Suburbs" states: "The Earth carries all things. Heaven shows its signs. We...

what is the process of Taoist zhaijiao keyi

what is the process of Taoist zhaijiao keyi

Although both sacrifice and fasting are major categories of Taoist rituals, they have different meanings and usages in the early Taoism. Fasting mainly focuses on purity and abstinence, while sacrifice is...

what is the process of Taoist zhaijiao keyi

Although both sacrifice and fasting are major categories of Taoist rituals, they have different meanings and usages in the early Taoism. Fasting mainly focuses on purity and abstinence, while sacrifice is...

What does Yin and Yang mean?

What does Yin and Yang mean?

The Four Symbols are the Greater Yang (Old Yang), Greater Yin (Old Yin), Lesser Yin, and Lesser Yang. Dawn is Lesser Yang, noon is Greater Yang, dusk is Lesser Yin,...

What does Yin and Yang mean?

The Four Symbols are the Greater Yang (Old Yang), Greater Yin (Old Yin), Lesser Yin, and Lesser Yang. Dawn is Lesser Yang, noon is Greater Yang, dusk is Lesser Yin,...

What is the Taoist approach to conflict and peace?

What is the Taoist approach to conflict and peace?

Wu wei, or non-action, is a central tenet in Taoism. It does not mean inaction but rather taking action that is in perfect harmony with the environment and circumstances. 

What is the Taoist approach to conflict and peace?

Wu wei, or non-action, is a central tenet in Taoism. It does not mean inaction but rather taking action that is in perfect harmony with the environment and circumstances.